I was able to hide the characters of an email in an employee listing table using substr_replace()
leaving as an example c*****[email protected]
. Now I don’t know how to do it in the field cpf
Here is the example in the field email
echo '<td title="'.substr_replace($exibir_colunas['email'], '******', 1, strpos($exibir_colunas['email'], '@') - 2).'">'.substr_replace($exibir_colunas['email'], '*****', 1, strpos($exibir_colunas['email'], '@') - 2).'</td>';
I’d like to do the same in the country cpf
leaving 012.***.***.90
using substr_replace()
echo '<td title="'.$exibir_colunas['cpf'].'">'.$exibir_colunas['cpf'].'</td>';