Problem with Primary Key ambiente_id instead of id in Typeorm


Viewed 28 times


I am trying to create a table in the Mysql database, with Typeorm where the id is ambiente_id (nome da tabela + _ + id).


ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY: Incorrect table Definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key code: 'ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY', Rrno: 1075, sqlMessage: 'Incorrect table Definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key', sqlState: '42000', index: 0, sql: 'ALTER TABLE ambiente ADD id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'

My entity:

export class Ambiente {
   @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({name: 'ambiente_id'})
   ambiente_id: number;

My database config is with synchronize: true.

  • the error was that it was building on top of the /dist folder, not removing and rebuilding, only rebuilding on top of the folder already created there was error.

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