Danger signal on a var in C


Viewed 47 times


The program and the recursiveness are correct, but even so, a danger signal occurs.

#include <stdio.h>

void ant_suc (int num){
    int ant = num - 1;
    int suc = num + 1;

    return printf("O numero antecessor a %d eh %d e seu sucessor eh %d", num, ant, suc);

int main(void){
    int num;
    printf("Informe um numero inteiro: ");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    return 0;

1 answer


You are using printf as the return of the ant_suc function, which has been defined as void type and does not expect return of any kind.

Declaring the ant_suc function of the form below should solve the Warning problem, and be the correct way to treat void type function:

void ant_suc (int num){
    int ant = num - 1;
    int suc = num + 1;
    printf("O numero antecessor a %d eh %d e seu sucessor eh %d", num, ant, suc);

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