Delete a GIT folder when 10Gb is exceeded in the project


Viewed 53 times


I went to commit to a project of mine and was presented the message that exceeded the limit of the 10Gb project, however, I could not delete a folder and its files in git bash or directly in gitlab. I saw information that when deleting files directly in gitlab automatically the folder will be deleted, but I have over 200 files inside the folder to delete, I want to delete the folders that are above the limit allowed by git.

Message from GIT:

remote: Gitlab: Your push has been Rejected, because this Repository has exceeded its size limit of 10 GB by 33 MB. Please contact your Gitlab Administrator for more information.

  • 1

    I understand the problem, but what would be the question? How can we help?

  • these files are necessary for the operation of the application? Add this folder in the file .gitignore would be a solution for you?

  • From what I understand you just want to remove the git directory, without removing it from the project: see the command git rm -r --cached /path, doc:

  • I already copied the folder and the files to another location, it is not necessary in the application and can be removed from the project

  • This answers your question? How to remove a Git file but keep it locally?

  • Take a look at the Git LFS, a git large like this is not very recommended. Depending on the scenario, I would even consider rewriting the history by placing these large files in LFS.

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