Join does not work on Objection.js


Viewed 17 times


I’m using Objection.js to build my Models using Node Typescript.

I have a projects table that can have a user, so I have a foreign_key id_usuario in the projects table. So far so good, but when I use the relationMappings of Objection.js, he doesn’t do relationship.

Following the documentation, the logic is correct as far as I can see, I don’t know why you’re not doing the Join.

Code of the Model Projects:

import { Model } from "objection";
import connection from "../database/connection";
import { projeto as ProjetosType } from "../types/Projeto";
import Usuarios from "./Usuarios";


interface Projetos extends ProjetosType {}

class Projetos extends Model {
  static get tableName() {
    return "projetos";

  static get jsonSchema() {
    return {
      type: "object",

      properties: {
        id: { type: "string" },
        status: { type: "string", minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
        horas: { type: "float", minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
        id_usuario: { type: "string", minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
        dataInicio: { type: "string", minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
        projetoNome: { type: "string", minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
        concluido: { type: "boolean" },
        descricao: { type: "string", minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },

  static relationMappings = {
    users: {
      relation: Model.HasOneRelation,
      modelClass: Usuarios,
      join: {
        from: "projetos.id_usuario",
        to: "",

export default Projetos;

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