Doubt with javascript college work using DOM


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Good morning, guys, I have this job to do and deliver tomorrow at the junior college, but I’m completely lost on how to work this out at Notepad++. Could you please give me a light? I’ve been trying since 2:00 in the morning and I can’t. Thank you in advance.

Create an HTML form with javascript with the following fields:

  • Product value(text field); quantity(text field)

  • The program must calculate the total cost (quantity x product value);

  • The program should calculate the profit on each product (value of product x 65%);

  • The program should calculate the total profit (profit x quantity);

  • The program should calculate taxes on each product (product value + profit x 18.7%);

  • The program should calculate the total tax (taxes * quantity);

  • The program should calculate the selling price (value of the product + profit + taxes);

  • Print all calculations within a paragraph (< p >)


function calcularImposto(){
resultado = document.getElementById("resultado");
n1 = document.getElementById("n1").value;
imposto1 = parseFloat(n1)*0.22;
imposto2 = parseFloat(n1)*0.18;

resultado.innerHTML = "imposto 1" + imposto1 + "<br /> Imposto 2 " + imposto2;
    <label>Número 1:</label>
    <input type="text" name="n1" id="n1" size="5" />
    <br />

    <input type="button" name="botao" id="botao" value="Calcular"  onclick="calcularSoma()" />

<p>Resultado: <span id="resultado"> 0 </span></p> 

This is the code that the teacher passed as an example to help in the work itself. My question is on how to adapt this code for the exercises. I thought I’d do it with some variables like this:

var quantidade, produto
var lucro, imposto
var totalCusto, totalImposto, totalLucro
var precoVenda

custo total = quantidade * produto
lucro = (produto / 100) * 65
imposto = ((produto + lucro) / 100) * 18,7
totalLucro = lucro * quantidade
totalImposto = imposto * quantidade
precoVenda = produto + lucro + imposto

But I don’t know if it would work. I missed a few classes because of work and now I’m kind of desperate.

  • As for javascript, it’s to use jQuery, DOM, some other API, or whatever you want?

  • Victor, I must use the DOM.

1 answer


First you have to read the product and quantity values:

var produto = document.getElementById("produto").value;
var quantidade = document.getElementById("quantidade").value;

You will need to have these fields in your HTML:

<input type="text" id="produto" value="" />
<input type="text" id="quantidade" value="" />

At the end of your javascript, you concatenate everything into a very large string and place it inside the tag <p> thus:

document.getElementById("resultado").innerHTML = suaString;

Also, in HTML you are using onclick="calcularSoma()", but in javascript its function is calcularImposto().

There is one more problem as well. You are calculating the tax variable with a number 18,7. Should be 18.7. It’s a dot, not a comma.

And please, next time put a better title to the question. Titles like "please help me" tend to irritate community members and make them less likely to help.

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