Matrix image sorting plugin


Viewed 180 times


I am looking for a plugin in javascript or jQuery that allows me to have a table of images (for example, 6 x 6) and through drag 'n' drop or just clicks, allow me to reposition between them. I’ve searched through every search term I can think of and I can’t find anything like it.

That is, if in a 6 x 6 matrix I click or drag image number 1 (at position 1 x 1) to image number 29 (position 5 x 4 ) they swap with each other. Moving to 29 instead of 1 and vice versa.

Does anyone know any plugin that exploits this solution?
Thank you

1 answer


I found two plugins who do what you want:

  1. Jquery Shapeshift

    Shapeshift is a plugin that will dynamically organize a collection of elements in a grid and column system similar to Pinterest. What the differs is the ability to drag and drop items inside the grid, maintaining a logical index position for each item.


  2. jQuery Gridly

    Gridly is a jQuery plugin to allow drag-and-drop as well as grid resizing.


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