Hello fellow developers,
I have a query that brings geographical areas that are contained in larger units of area; these larger units are received via params (id) and may be one or more, without limitation.
PS. Before the geographical calculations I look for the polygons that represent these units (by the id received)
Important to say that for each received unit a filter is generated using sequelize.Where and sequelize.fn which is then injected into the query:
if (query.length > 1) {
polygons.map(p => intersectionUnitsFilter.push(this.intersectsUnits(p.coordinates, p.type)));
intersectsUnits(encoded: string, type: string) { // mudar esse encoded
const coords: any = encoded
let wkt = wktParser.convert({
type: type,
coordinates: coords,
const polygon = Sequelize.fn('ST_GeomFromText', wkt, 4326);
const intersects = Sequelize.fn('ST_Intersects', Sequelize.fn('ST_SetSRID', Sequelize.col('polygon'), 4326), polygon);
const intersectionFilter = Sequelize.where(intersects, true); // maybe i can add some code here to change the query and add some column
return intersectionFilter;
Just to contextualize all this, this is the moment of the final query => The code that inserts the filter generated from units is injected into the Filters variable that is used within the final query:
filters = {
[Op.and]: {
[Op.or]: {
if (subfilters.length) {
filters = {
[Op.or]: subfilters
const limit = params.limit ? params.limit : 1000;
let areas = await Area.findAll({
where: filters,
include: relationships,
offset: params.page ? params.page * limit : 0,
limit: limit
return areas;
If I get more than 1 unit, all the filtered areas come mixed together, there is no distinction about the filter that was applied in a specific area, that is, I wouldn’t know which unit belongs to a certain area, I can only say that all the results are contained in one area or another and this makes some conditions difficult there at the frontend.
1 - First I tried to iterate through the filters and for each filter set a filter variable and inject in the query. In this way I would make queries separately, receiving for each iteration an array with areas belonging to ONE unit only. I could for example apply a Object.assign
and build objects identifying which unit that array belongs to. I had difficulties because the await does not work inside callbacks and I was confused to make a Promise that was a wrapper for the whole query.
2 - I searched insistently for sequelize commands and types of queries that could do this work directly in the database, without success.
There is an easy and quick solution to the problem?