I have two values in time format, 20:03:02
and 20:03:35
, who are in a array in Lua.
hora_array={"20:03:02", "20:03:35"}
The difference between the two values is 33 seconds (20:03:02 - 20:03:35 = 33).
I want to insert in that same array the values of one in a second, namely 20:03:03, 20:03:04 until it reaches the value 20:03:35 (+ 33 elements in the array).
How can I add a number to a string? The final result of array would be this:
hora_array={"20:03:02","20:03:03","20:03:04","..." "20:03:35"}
Could you rephrase the question?
– user2692
I just wanted to add in the array, between the first element and the second element all values until it reaches 20:03:35. That is to always add one more, and insert in the array.
– akm
okay, come on!!!
– user2692