AJAX sends information to PHP but fails to insert only one data


Viewed 133 times


Look at my code:


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/criaEvento.js"></script>
<form method="post">
<table width="420" align="center">
        <td colspan="3"><input class="form-control" type="text" name="nomeEvento" placeholder="exemplo: Festa no ap" size="30"></td>
        <td height="10"></td>
        <td colspan="3"><textarea class="form-control" name="maisInfos" placeholder="informais adicionais" rows="3" cols="33"></textarea></td>
        <td height="10"></td>
        <td colspan="3"><input class="form-control" type="text" name="onde" placeholder="local" size="30"></td>
        <td height="10"></td>
        <td><input id="dia" type="date" name="dia"></td>
        <td><input id="hora" type="time" name="hora"></td>
        <td height="10"></td>
        <td colspan="3"><input type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" id="salvar" name="salvar" value="SALVAR"></td>


(document).ready( function(){

    $("#salvar").click( function(){

        var dataString = $("form").serialize();

            url: 'php/evento.php',
            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: 'data='+dataString,

            success: function(data){





include_once 'con.php';

$nomeEvento = $_POST['nomeEvento'];
$maisInfos = $_POST['maisInfos'];
$onde = $_POST['onde'];
$dia = $_POST['dia'];
$hora = $_POST['hora'];

$qryInsert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO evento VALUES(NULL, '$nomeEvento', '$maisInfos', '$onde', '$dia', '$hora')");

It passes the data to PHP but in INSERT to BD, only one of the data is NOT saved, the rest goes...

  • Not knowing exactly what’s not working will get hard to help you.

  • @André, all the data: moreInfos, where, day and time, are being saved in the BD, except the nameEvento.

1 answer


The problem is that you are sending the parameters incorrectly in the ajax call.

data: 'data='+dataString,

In this line you end up generating a new data called data where the value ends up being data=nomeEvento=[valor preenchido], that is, its first item in dataString ends up becoming the value of data and is lost.

The function .serialize() already generates everything you need to send the data via POST. You just need to do so:

    url: 'php/evento.php',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: dataString, // passa diretamente a string contendo os dados do post

    success: function(data){

  • It’s true André!

  • Thanks... Another thing, how do you format codes to be displayed here? Already took a look at the help "documentation" here, but I didn’t get it

  • @Gustavosevero Just select your code and click the button {} in the toolbar above the editor.

  • Thanks André! Thank you very much.

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