3 levels of Cakephp data


Viewed 86 times


Suppose I have the following tabaelas




Then I will have 3 models. One for each table. Each model is configured with the following schema:

Product model -> belongsTo: trademarks Brand model -> belongsTo: manufacturers

So far I have only modelled the data issue.

Now if I do the following command in any controller, assuming that my model of the product tables is called Productomodel and my brand Marcamodel


I’m gonna get something like:

    [Product] => array(
        // dados dos produtos
        [Brand] => array(
            // dados das marcas

That is, did not come the manufacturer data, even though it belongs to the model Brand.

There is some way that this result array is 3 levels, that is, the Manufacturers model comes together within the Tags array?

Something that is NATIVE to Cakephp, without having to make two queries and blend them

1 answer


You can use Containable for that. It would look like this:

$this->Produto->contain('Marca' => array('Fabricante'));
$produto = $this->Produto->find('first');

As indicated in the documentation of this class, you get a similar result with the attribute recursive of Model, but the Containable is recommended when you have complex associations. I prefer this way as I make a query more "customized".

And after using, you can give Unload:

  • I will test here quickly and after doing this point and even leave your answer as best

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