Because some fields of document of Elasticsearch have at its beginning the characters "@" and "_" and are duplicated ex:
@ at first:
@tags, @type
_ at first:_score, _type
Some fields have two versions one with "@" and one with "_" (with the same value):
@version e _version
Some fields have two versions one with "@" and one without:
fields(dentro do root) e @fields(dentro do _source)
Some fields are duplicated (and with the same value):
@timestamp(dentro do fields) e @timestamp(dentro do _source)
Below a document real of Elasticsearch with these fields:
"_index": "logstash-2021.02.25",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "q9_C1ncBR7kZ5_B9FyW_",
"_version": 1,
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"arquivo": "C:\\DEV_HOME\\GeradorDePlanilha.cs",
"level": "INFO",
"@tags": [],
"@type": "amqp",
"date": "2021-02-24 22:16:20.0910",
"@version": "1",
"type": "App.Log",
"metodo": "GerarPlanilhaComDadosGerenciaisBasicosAsync",
"@timestamp": "2021-02-25T01:16:20.091Z",
"origin": "App.Api.Worker",
"@fields": {},
"@source": "nlog://DESKTOP-F8BDSSI/API.Gerencia.GeradorDePlanilha",
"logger": "App.Log.Gerencia.GeradorDePlanilha",
"@message": "Método: GerarPlanilhaComDadosGerenciaisBasicosAsync Arquivo: C:\\DEV_HOME\\GeradorDePlanilha.cs Linha: 33",
"machineName": "DESKTOP-F8BDSSI"
"fields": {
"metodoCompleto": [
"GerarPlanilhaComDadosGerenciaisBasicosAsync - C:\\DEV_HOME\\GeradorDePlanilha.cs"
"@timestamp": [
"sort": [