How to import java class from another app’s src folder?


Viewed 37 times


For example, I have several apps. They all have in the src folder the same java class (example: which is the same for everyone). Only when I modify this class, I have to copy it to all src folders of all apps.

Can I import this class from the src folder of a particular app to everyone else? Or have a common folder (with certain common java classes) for all other apps?

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1 answer


From what I understand you are wanting to create a library - a standalone module to be reused by various applications.

In this case you will need to create a separate project and reference the compiled project in a certain folder.

To create a new library module in the project, do the following:

  1. Click File > New > New Module.
  2. In the Create New Module window that appears, click Android Library and Next.
  3. Name the library, select a minimum SDK version for the code in the library, and click Finish.

See the guidelines in the links below:

  • Gabriel, I had even used this before (to create a jar and include it as a library), but I had forgotten. It’s really an option. Although I still use the eclipse...

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