How to count records in more than one table?


Viewed 42 times


I have these 3 tables:

client clientVehicle parking

I want to mount a SELECT that counts the number of records for each of them.

   COUNT(client.idClient) AS clientQuantity,
   COUNT(clientVehicle.idClientVehicle) AS clientVehicle, 
   COUNT(parking.idParking) AS parkingQuantity 
    client.idClient AND
    clientVehicle.idClientVehicle AND 

However, the result is 4 for all, and it should be, parkingQuantity 1, clientQuantity2 and clientVehicles 2. Where I’m wrong?

Thank you very much.

  • Remove the clause WHERE

  • no Join there, you added 4 tables in FROM and does not link them, will return a cartesiado of all, and everything will have the same value!

3 answers


Just looking at her SELECT and what he tried to do in WHERE, which was supposed to be the JOIN between the tables, I can suggest this SELECT:

SELECT COUNT(client.idClient) AS clientQuantity, 
       COUNT(clientVehicle.idClientVehicle) AS clientVehicle, 
       COUNT(parking.idParking) AS parkingQuantity 
  FROM client
 INNER JOIN clientVehicle ON client.idClient = clientVehicle.idClient
 INNER JOIN parking ON parking.parkingPass = client.parkingPass

Note that in the table "Parking", supposedly the JOIN should be by the column "idParking", but by the photo of your model I did not identify relative column in any of the tables, so I did the JOIN by "parkingPass"

  • Ricardo, I ran your SQL and return 1 in each of the values, that is, not given yet.

  • No no, parkingPass has nothing to connect.

  • Without an example of the data, you can’t help much more. Create an example here http:/ with tables and some sample data to show what doesn’t work


I found a solution

    FROM   client
    ) AS qttClient,
    FROM   parking
    ) AS qttParking,
    FROM   clientVehicle
    ) AS qttClientVehicle
FROM    dual

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


Enjoying the friend’s select already published in the post, you can replace the * by the numerical position of the column you want to count, in these cases where you want the ID columns that are the first the answer is as follows:

SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(1) FROM client ) AS qttClient, ( SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Parking ) AS qttParking, ( SELECT COUNT(1) FROM clientVehicle ) AS qttClientVehicle FROM dual

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