How to check if the return Ajax is empty


Viewed 43 times


I’m trying to verify a Json feedback for a decision-making, but I’m not getting it, I have it:

if (sender.getFieldName() == 'IdUsuarioIntranet') {
    var MatriculaPessoa = sender.getValue();

    console.log("MATRÍCULA: " + MatriculaPessoa);

        location.href, {
            IdPessoa: MatriculaPessoa
        function(data) {

            if (data.CelularCorporativo == 'null') {
                data.CelularCorporativo = 'SEM CELULAR';


To help the question, when I return to search for my user I have email, but I do not have mobile phone, the email is rescued correctly, but as I do not have Cellular registered the field Cellular Corportativo needs to be filled with a text.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

But it’s not working, some hint?

  • What exactly isn’t working?

  • Hello @Luizfelipe, the console doesn’t even show "EMPTY".

  • Is the AJAX request being made at least? What was the HTTP response obtained?

1 answer


The problem is why you’re trying to compare data.CelularCorporativo with null, but set null between quotes, and javascript will basically interpret this as a string, not as null.

The right thing would be

if (data.CelularCorporativo == null) {

Or simply:

if (data.CelularCorporativo) {

In the latter case any value that is not null (vaizo), false or 0 will be considered true.


This answer is valid if data.CelularCorporativo comes from the empty API and not with the null string'.

  • thanks, I really appreciate your tip.,

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