VS Code freezes when interrupting terminal execution


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I’m trying to use VS Code for the easy extensions, mainly for the color highlights. Also to make use of the debugger.

The problem is that when running the application, either with C++ Compile/Run, or with Code Runner, it starts executing the code (already in the terminal), and when I click the abort button, the entire program freezes.

Note: the native shortcut of the Runner code (Ctrl + Alt + M) to stop the execution also does not work.

I have Mingw installed and added to PATH, use Windows 10 64-bit.

How can I solve this problem?

  • Gustavo! Welcome. Forgive my curiosity but it is for school work this environment or for professional use in everyday life?

  • A question: Why don’t you try using Jetbrains Clion? It’s free for students. That’s why I asked if you were using Vscode as a student or in the company. If you would like to download Clion and try: https://www.jetbrains.com/community/education/#Students

  • Without extensions works normally? are you using Ubuntu for windows, bash, or cmd itself? do not understand very well of Windows, but maybe using 'another type' of terminal, solve the problem..

  • Do your job, Matthew! It’s for study, I don’t go to computer college, I do physics, but it’s locked up right now, so I couldn’t even get the free license, you know? But I use for interest msm, I want to develop games. I was already programming in Dev C++, but I longed for the tools and possibilities of VS... anyway, thanks!

  • Gleidson, without all the extensions it at first does not compile. It takes me to Launch.json, highlighting the following line: "console": "externalTerminal". Only with Code Runner it says "Property Console Not Allowed" and takes me to the same line as Launch.json. This is all with terminal enabled execution. If I disable this option, it runs the program through the "output" tab, and therefore I cannot input.

  • I would appreciate if you could guide me to run in external terminal, as in windows cmd! I think it would solve the problem.

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