Telegram bot sends message correctly, but then sends an error: "Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again."


Viewed 52 times


Please help me, suddenly my Telegram bot on Heroku is sending the correct message and below an error!

Output Result on Telegram channel:

Something went wrong, please try again.

The tickle:

import telegram

TOKEN = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxY"
    bot = telegram.Bot(TOKEN)
    print("Bot do telegram conectado!")
    chat_id = "@Noticias"
    texto = 'aaaaaa' 
    bot.send_message(chat_id, texto, parse_mode='markdown', disable_web_page_preview=True)

I don’t know what else to do...I tried everything but the mistake doesn’t come out.

  • What is this lib you’re wearing?

  • I am beginner was using python-Telegram-bot==11.1.0, and it worked until then, but is with this error now. Which one do you recommend to use? maybe I should change then

  • Instead of the hardcoded value 'markdown' try using the lib constant telegram.constants.PARSEMODE_MARKDOWN_V2 in the parameter parse_mode

  • tried Markdownv2, same error =/

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