function summarise


Viewed 49 times


I am using a database with information about the Olympics( and I want to analyze the data on the Olympic sports in which Brazil was medalist. I used the Summarize() function to get a column with number of medals per sport.

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but when I go to sum up this column I get the error "Error: object 'sum(total2)' not found".

teste <- na.omit(subset(df1, select = c(Medal, Team, Sport, Event)))
teste <- teste %>% rename(pf = Sport)
teste <- teste %>% rename(pv = Medal)
data <- teste %>% filter(Team=='Brazil') %>% 
        group_by(pv, pf) %>% distinct(Event) %>% 
        summarize(total2 = n())

I’ve tried the function colSum but returns the same error. Taking advantage of the post, would it be possible to create a pie Chart with the medalist sports? I tried to do using the ggplot2 but I couldn’t.

    1. Try sum(data$total2); 2) Why Chart pie? Bar charts are considered better. 3) Can you please, edit the question with the departure of dput(data) or, if the base is too large, dput(head(data, 20))? Or where to find the original data.
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1 answer


The following code counts the medals that Brazil had at the Olympic Games.


fl <- list.files(pattern = 'athlete.*\\.csv$')

cols_spec <- cols(
  ID = col_double(),
  Name = col_character(),
  Sex = col_character(),
  Age = col_double(),
  Height = col_double(),
  Weight = col_double(),
  Team = col_character(),
  NOC = col_character(),
  Games = col_character(),
  Year = col_double(),
  Season = col_character(),
  City = col_character(),
  Sport = col_character(),
  Event = col_character(),
  Medal = col_character()

df1 <- read_csv(fl, col_types = cols_spec)

After reading the file, filter by country and group the data with summarise. The result, with only 2 columns, is saved in the date.frame cont_medalhas.

df1 %>%
  filter(Team == 'Brazil') %>%
  select(Medal, Sport) %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  group_by(Sport, Medal) %>%
  summarize(Total = n(), .groups = 'drop') -> cont_medalhas

Now the totals. Brazil had in all 449 medals in 14 sports (or, considering that I am Portuguese, sports).

cont_medalhas %>% pull(Total) %>% sum()
#[1] 449

cont_medalhas %>% distinct(Sport) %>% nrow()
#[1] 14

Finally, the bar graph. Colors come of this post.

cont_medalhas %>%
  mutate(Sport = factor(Sport),
         Medal = factor(Medal, levels = c('Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze'))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(Sport, Total, fill = Medal)) +
  geom_col(position = position_dodge2(width = 0.9, preserve = 'single')) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c('#FEE101', '#A7A7AD', '#A77044')) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, vjust = 1, hjust = 1))

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  • 1

    I liked the color palette chosen for the bars. Quite thematic.

  • 2

    @Marcusnunes Thanks, I included a link to the site where I found them.

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