header="Atualizar Contatos" dynamic="true" modal="true" closable="false" appendTo="@(body)">
<p:panel id="pnlAtualizarTelefones" class="panel-simples">
<c:coluna valueLabel="#{msgCES['Usuario.Tel_Residencia']}: " percentWidth="90" maxWidth="300">
<c:coluna percentWidth="20">
<p:inputMask value="#{pesquisaUsuarioBean.usuarioContato.nrDdd}" maxlength="2" styleClass="Wid100 coluna-numerica"
title="#{msgCES['Usuario.DDD_Residencial']}" tabindex="4005" mask="9?9" slotChar="" placeholder="#{msg['Pessoa.DDD']}"/>
<c:coluna percentWidth="60">
<p:inputMask value="#{pesquisaUsuarioBean.usuarioContato.nrTelefone}" maxlength="10" styleClass="Wid100"
title="#{msgCES['Usuario.Telefone_Residencial']}" tabindex="4006" mask="9?99999999" slotChar="" placeholder="#{msg['Pessoa.Telefone']}"/>
<f:facet name="footer">
<div align="right">
<p:commandButton value="#{msg['gen.confirmar']}" icon="fa fa-check white" global="false"
process="@this :#{component.namingContainer.clientId}:pnlAtualizarTelefones"
update="@(.styleUpdateInfoUsuario) :messages"/>
<p:commandButton value="#{msg['gen.cancelar']}" icon="fa fa-close white" global="false"
process="@this" />
When placing the appendTo="@(body)"property, my "searchUsuarioBean.usuarioContact" object is not updated in the Bean... I click confirm, calls the action searchUsuarioBean.upTelephones, but the object does not come with the changed values on screen. The problem is that I need to use something similar to appendTo="@(body)", because of the problems with mobile/tablet access.
Duplicate: When using Appendto, the Bean Object does not update [closed]
– Icaro Martins
Welcome to [en.so]. I’ve come to realize that you’re creating multiple questions for the same problem, when that won’t actually help you get an answer any faster. Instead, read the guide [Ask] and do a [tour] to learn a little more about the operation of the site and thus increase your chances of getting a good answer.
– Icaro Martins