Restful Pagseguro API returning "message": "Unauthorized"?


Viewed 98 times


I am trying to implement payment by card using Pagseguro’s Rest API. I have followed every step of this documentation but the return is always "message": "Unauthorized". I’m testing directly at POSTMAN

How to solve this ?

//token: "jkerjhelajkrhqleubbc...."

//Content-Type: application/json
//Authorization: {{token}}
//x-api-version: "1.0"
//x-idempotency-key: ""

  "reference_id": "823",
  "description": "Compra de produtos site",
  "amount": {
    "value": 1000,
    "currency": "BRL"
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "CREDIT_CARD",
    "installments": 1,
    "capture": true,
    "card": {
      "number": "4111111111111111",
      "exp_month": "03",
      "exp_year": "2026",
      "security_code": "123",
      "holder": {
        "name": "Jose da Silva"
  "notification_url": ""

1 answer


Opa, these integration processes need a step called authentication, which is where you identify yourself and generate your access to services.

This doc here should help you:

After generating the token, you need to add to your request header.


  • What you’re saying is I should have a token for sandbox and one for production ? The production I already have, but the sandbox I’m not getting pq this off the air. See link

  • 1

    That, a token is required for the Sandbox as well.

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