Store modified class properties


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I need to have stored in the class itself a list with (name and value) of the changed properties. However, I don’t know if the form I am using is feasible.

I have the class Employee below:

public class Funcionario
    public int IdFuncionario { get; set; }

    public string Nome { get; set; }

    public string Sobrenome { get; set; }

    public string Setor { get; set; }

    public DateTime DataEntrada { get; set; }

Create a base class to be able to identify the change and store it:

public abstract class BaseLista
    public readonly Dictionary<string, object> Dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    protected bool SetProperty<T>(ref T storage, T value, [CallerMemberName] String propertyName = null)
        if (Equals(storage, value))
            return false;
        storage = value;
        if (propertyName == null) return true;
        if (!Dictionary.ContainsKey(propertyName))
            Dictionary.Add(propertyName, value);
            Dictionary[propertyName] = value;
        return true;

And I changed the staff class this way:

public class Funcionario : BaseLista
    private int _idFuncionario;
    private string _nome;
    private string _sobrenome;
    private string _setor;
    private DateTime _dataEntrada;

    public int IdFuncionario
        get { return _idFuncionario; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _idFuncionario, value);}

    public string Nome
        get { return _nome; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _nome, value); }

    public string Sobrenome
        get { return _sobrenome; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _sobrenome, value); }

    public string Setor
        get { return _setor; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _setor, value); }

    public DateTime DataEntrada
        get { return _dataEntrada; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _dataEntrada, value); }

Below the test performed: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

public class Testes
    public void TesteLista()
        var funcionario = new Funcionario
                                  Nome = "Paulo",
                                  Sobrenome = "Balbino",
                                  Setor = "Desenvolvimento"

        var listaPropriedadesAlteradas = funcionario.Dictionary;


Is there any better way to do this? I need this list of properties changed to assemble a generic update statement, I don’t want to pass all the entity fields, because I have cases that I won’t have all.

  • Always prefer to put all the code in text. You can put a screenshot to assist but ensure that all code is available even for someone to use to test. This question seems to me to be a code review more than anything else, right? If you give me time, I’ll try to answer.

  • I put the image to show the result, but I already edited and entered the test code. So, it might be a code review, but I was wondering if there’s a better way to do this...!

2 answers


Following the advice mentioned in Maniero’s reply, I used the interface INotifyPropertyChanged in class Funcionario, through the event PropertyChangedEventHandler get the changed properties and store in another object that will compose the message to be sent to WCF Service:

Class Funcionario:

public class Funcionario : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private int _idFuncionario;
    private string _nome;
    private string _sobrenome;
    private string _setor;
    private DateTime _dataEntrada;

    public int IdFuncionario
        get { return _idFuncionario; }
            _idFuncionario = value;

    public string Nome
        get { return _nome; }
            _nome = value;

    public string Sobrenome
        get { return _sobrenome; }
            _sobrenome = value;

    public string Setor
        get { return _setor; }
            _setor = value;

    public DateTime DataEntrada
        get { return _dataEntrada; }
            _dataEntrada = value;

    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
        var handler = PropertyChanged;
        if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Test method:

public class Testes
    private Dictionary<string, object> _listaPropriedadesAlteradas = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    public void Teste1()
        var funcionario = new Funcionario();
        funcionario.PropertyChanged += FuncionarioOnPropertyChanged;
        funcionario.Nome = "Paulo Balbino";
        funcionario.Setor = "Desenvolvimento";

                                   .ForEach(c => Debug.WriteLine("Propriedade: {0} - Valor: {1}", c.Key, c.Value));

    private void FuncionarioOnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs propertyChangedEventArgs)
        _listaPropriedadesAlteradas[propertyChangedEventArgs.PropertyName] =

Now I use the variable _listaPropriedadesAlteradas to compose the message.


Data structure

First I find it odd a class store its own changes. But only you can tell if it really is necessary. I think it hurts at least the principle of single responsibility, and I find it strange a class store things that are not its own, this "history" is not part of an employee. Funcionário is just an employee (better said is an employee’s data). Employee’s change history should be a class that stores this. You can even compose the "history" in the class, although I also think a bad idea.

Another principle that is wounded there is the replacing Liskov. A Funcionário is not a BaseList. It would be better to make an interface, who knows using a utility method of help (Extension method maybe? ). But it would only make sense to use the interface if you still want to hurt the previous principle. I reaffirm that it is right to do this outside this class.

At most I would make a composition rather than inheritance. Then there would be a field that would guard the state but the mechanism to store would be in another class (I don’t know, ClassPropertiesChanges) - which would be used in this field - identical to BaseLista (think).

And there are other wounded principles that could be cited, but I also don’t think that all principles need to be followed always. And fixing one might fix the others. I’m quoting these two because I would probably follow them in this case. But I don’t have all the information from your case. For me it’s the main change you should make.

I still don’t know if it shouldn’t be something completely separate or composition.


SetProperty() returns a boolean that is not used. I don’t know if you need to return something or if you need to use it. You may use it later. Just don’t forget to evaluate this.

Dictionary Besides being a name that is not significant of what it represents in the code (variable names should not say what type they are but what they keep), it seems strange to me that it is public (it could encapsulate in a property) and even stranger it is declared as readonly.

Note that you are writing on her object. Maybe the readonly work in a different way than you expect. Only the variable is read-only, the object contained in it can be written, by any part of the application since it is public. Variable is one thing, its value is another, at least in reference types

I have my doubts if I pass storage as ref It’s a good idea. I’m not going to test in several situations but I’m not sure it would work if I used it in other ways in the future. In the past I would do something like this, today I take more care even if eventually I have to write more code.

I imagine it was purposeful to allow the field to be changed without going through the property that encapsulates it and that done this will not store in that "history". Not wanting to store in some situation can be useful - it can also be misused - but I don’t know if it’s a good idea to change the field directly. In simple things it may cause no problem but if the property starts having other algorithms, ignoring it can be problematic.

You are saving only the last altered value. Is that right? Maybe you are wanting to do something else with it. Maybe you want to implement a undo feature (undo) or something to compare if there has been change in each field. If this is it, I definitely wouldn’t do it this way, I’d make a separate mechanism to control what you need. Deep down I fell for what I said at the beginning.

Finally, you know you don’t need to check if a key is contained in the dictionary to know whether to change it or add it? When you try to assign a value to a key that does not exist the key is created automatically.


If I spend more time I think I would find other things that can be improved, but again, it might not apply to your specific case, but I hope this already helps.

  • Well, I’ll need some time to study the principles mentioned. I appreciate the help and I will try something with the composition, in case you have some link with example I will be grateful, anyway your explanation was very good. Vlw!

  • The context of my work is a little large to explain it here and maybe pass this need I have, but to summarize, this entity will be changed in a windows form project and will be sent to a wcf service that in turn will call the access to data to updateI was in the database...then I wanted to use this list of properties to update only who was changed.

  • Yes, it seems to me that the class should not go with this. You are mixing business rules with mechanisms. I even think you should create a events to notify another class when the property is modified. In this case neither the composition would I make. It may seem a little more complicated but it is the right one, avoid some problems, disorganization and gives a flexibility that can be used in other things. So the class deals only with the employee and not with what can happen to him

  • In the past links you have examples of composition if you go this way. But it is just using a field that contains an object instead of making this object part of the class. Inheritance should be used in the latter case. But I wouldn’t even worry about it for this case (maybe for others). I further reinforce after your comment that this class, to do more correctly, should not carry any change information from your data. She should notify that the change was made to whoever signs these events. I have my doubts if you even need to know the old value.

  • Really the old value is not necessary, I just need to identify which properties were changed and their respective values, thanks for the vote!

  • I will search the links and if you get something different that answers I will post, vlw!

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