Action by clicking on the clear vuetify field


Viewed 94 times


In a filter where fields are filled in there is the need sometimes to clear the field.

I’m trying to clear a field and recognize the value of that action by clicking on the "x" to clear the form

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Only nothing happens at all.

Like I’m doing?

<v-menu ref="menu" v-model="menu" :close-on-content-click="false" transition="scale-transition" offset-y max-width="290px" min-width="auto" >
   <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
       <v-text-field ref="mes" v-model="descMes" label="Mês" append-icon="mdi-calendar" v-bind="attrs"v-on="on" clearable autofocus dense outlined @click.clear="clear('mes')" />
   <v-date-picker v-model="mes" no-title @input="menu = false" type="month" @click:month="parametroCliente" locale="pt-BR" />

I mean, I put the attribute @click.clear="clear('mes')"

Where there is a function called clear(param) in the methods

But this only works if I click inside the field, if I click the 'x' of to trigger the clearable the field is clean but the function is not triggered

I also tried using @Blur to leave the field identify if it is empty

All this is for a filter that I would like to do, where if it has no value, it is to search every month

Is there any way to trigger some action by clicking on the 'X' option'?

  • face here works but I use the click on 'X' like : @click:clear="clear('mes')" test then see if it is the syntax really

  • That’s right, oh!

  • I’ll answer the question

2 answers


'click:clear is the name of the event triggered by the element 'X', not 'click.clear', so when you create an Handler for the event like this: @click.clear="clear('mes')", you’re actually putting a Lerner in an event that doesn’t exist.

Making the exchange for @click:clear="clear('mes')" as the solution of Germano Buss Niehues will solve the problem!


The problem is in the syntax @click.clear="clear('mes')" change to @click:clear="clear('mes')" not if exactly because but I believe that the : add to a Watcher on the click that even when you’re off the field it gets "listening" the click on the 'X' button'

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