Convert AC3 audio to AAC with error using ffmpeg


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I am trying to convert an ac3 audio of 1 hour and 16 minutes, this original audio is a 5.1, and I want to convert to aac, and it would have to be stereo as it would be reincarnated into an mp4 file after conversion using Nodejs exec.

However the audio ac3 after being converted with a file above 2 hours and 40 minutes, the strange thing is that there in the ffmpeg log it shows that it was processed at 1 hours and 16 minutes, but the final file is much bigger than that.

The command I’m using to convert is:

ffmpeg -y -stats -i tmp-1_track_1.ac3 -acodec aac -ab 448k -f adts -ac 2 -af "pan=stereo|FL=FC+0.30*FL+0.30*BL|FR=FC+0.30*FR+0.30*BR" tmp-1_track_1_recoded.aac
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