I am creating an eCommerce using Strapi, but I have a problem in one of the routes that makes the POST. Summarizing this route she opens a payment session, and for that I step one request.body
with the type of product that will be purchased, the method called for this is the findOne()
. But when I make the request, instead of seeing the answer, it comes undefined
Follow the code here:
async create(ctx) {
const {
} = ctx.request.body
if (!product) {
return ctx.throw(400, 'please especiefiede de product')
const realProduct = await strapi.services.product.findOne({
id: product.id
if (!realProduct) {
return ctx.throw(404, 'No product with such id')
const {
} = ctx.state
const BASE_URL = ctx.request.headers.origin || 'http:localhost:3000'
const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
payment_method_types: ['card'],
costumer_email: user.email,
mode: 'payment',
success_url: `${BASE_URL}/success?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}`,
cancel_url: BASE_URL,
line_items: [{
price_data: {
currency: 'brl',
product_data: {
name: realProduct.meProd
unit_amount: fromDecimalToInt(realProduct.price),
quatity: 1
//aqui criar a ordem
const newOrder = await stripe.services.order.create({
user: user.id,
product: realProduct.id,
total: realProduct.price,
status: 'unpaid',
checkout_session: session.id
return {
id: session.id
What matters only goes up to the realProduct
According to the error message
doesn’t have that propertyproduct
. It’s very difficult to understand the context of the code without further reference. You could share the Strapi documentation link where you use this featurestrapi.services
, or show more of the code?– Cmte Cardeal
So, that’s the problem, the products were set above, it gets the ctx.request.body, ie it’s the data of the request that I pass. What I don’t understand is why I’m giving Undefined since the variable is already defined https://strapi.io/documentation/developer-docs/latest/concepts/controllers.html#Concept , here is the documentation on how to implement the API controller
– Bruno Barreto
Like, it’s not falling into the exception that generates me the 400 or 404,It receives the request And the context, I already have an API made in strapi, and this Function, configures a POST that starts a Payment session from the product requested in the request
– Bruno Barreto