Git status: ERROR


Viewed 72 times


Hi, I have a problem with my git control. When I send the "git status" command to I see the changes of my current project, it returns me this error below:

warning: could not open directory 'Ambiente de Impressão/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Ambiente de Rede/': Permission denied    
warning: could not open directory 'Configurações Locais/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Cookies/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Dados de Aplicativos/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Documents/Meus Vídeos/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Documents/Minhas Imagens/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Documents/Minhas Músicas/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Menu Iniciar/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Meus Documentos/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Modelos/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'Recent/': Permission denied
warning: could not open directory 'SendTo/': Permission denied
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   ../../crud/backend/db.json
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/.eslintrc.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/.gitignore
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/.vscode/settings.json
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/README
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/db.json
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/package-lock.json
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/package.json
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/public/favicon.ico
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/public/index.html
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/public/logo192.png
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/public/logo512.png
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/public/manifest.json
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/public/robots.txt
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/server.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/assets/img/Logo.png
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/assets/img/MisterLogo.png
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/BannerMain/components/VideoIframeResponsive/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/BannerMain/components/VideoIframeResponsive/styles.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/BannerMain/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/BannerMain/styles.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Button/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Carousel/components/Slider/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Carousel/components/VideoCard/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Carousel/components/VideoCard/styles.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Carousel/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Carousel/styles.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Footer/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Footer/styles.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/FormField/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Menu/Menu.css
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Menu/components/ButtonLink/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/Menu/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/components/PageDefault/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/config/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/data/dados_iniciais.json
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/hooks/useForm.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/index.css
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/pages/Home/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/pages/cadastro/Categoria/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/pages/cadastro/Video/index.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/repositories/categorias.js
        deleted:    ../../misterflix/src/repositories/videos.js

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
        ../../Eclipse Cpp 2019-09.lnk
        ../../Eclipse Javascript 2019-09.lnk
        ../../GitHub Desktop.lnk
        ../../Visual Studio Code.lnk
        ../../../Documents/Projetos/Comandos no VS Code Studio.docx
        ../../../Documents/Projetos/HTML/E-mail Marketing/
        ../../../Documents/Projetos/Materias de estudo/
        ../../../Documents/Projetos/Projeto Spider-man Miles Morales/

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

1 answer


Try using the command on the terminal that Git returned to you itself, most of the time it tells you what to do... in your case, you have 03 (three) options: use the git add/rm or git Restore or git add, remembering that it is good that you use * or . to add all the files, see which of the options would be more viable for you. I await your return. Embrace.

  • then, when I use the command it asks for or even git push it commits all those files to the repository of that project I’m working on. That in case those files that is shown up there have nothing to do with the project that I am working on.

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