Python - Scrapy - Return nested Json (Json’s List)


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Hello, I’m having a problem generating a dictionary answer within another dictionary.

I have a home page that contains 8 bimonthly programs, in these picked up their respective links and properties. These links have a schedule per week, I need to access your links to get the details of each week’s schedule. I can access all the data. But currently it is repeating several times the header of the bimonthly program. What I’d like to do is bring a list of all the weekly schedules within the dictionary containing the headers.

Then in the final result it would contain 8 dictionaries with their respective n weekly schedules

Below is a sample of the code that parses these Urls

class ApostilaSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'apostila'
    start_urls = ['']

    def parse(self, response):
        apostilas = response.css('div.publicationDesc')[:8]
        for apostila in apostilas:

            loader = ItemLoader(item=ApostilaItems(), selector=apostila)
            loader.add_css('href', 'a::attr(href)')
            loader.add_css('descricao', 'a::text')
            loader.add_css('mes_inicio', 'a')
            loader.add_css('mes_fim', 'a')
            loader.add_css('ano_inicio', 'a')
            loader.add_css('ano_fim', 'a')

            url = f"{apostila.css('a::attr(href)').get()}"
            desig = scrapy.Request(url, self.parse_apostila_hrefs, priority=1000)
            yield { 
                "apostila": loader.load_item(),
                "designacoes" : desig

    def parse_apostila_hrefs(self, response):

        urls = response.css('div.syn-body.textOnly.accordionHandle > h2 > a::attr(href)').getall()
        for url in urls:
            yield response.follow(url, self.parse_designacoes_apostila)

    def parse_designacoes_apostila(self, response):
        loader = ItemLoader(item=ProgramaSemanaItems(), selector=response)
        loader.add_css('semana_referencia' , '#p1')
        loader.add_css('leitura_semana', '#p2')
        loader.add_css('cantico_inicial', '#p3')

        loader.add_css('tpd_titulo', '#section2 > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > p')
        loader.add_css('tpd_href', '#section2 > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > p > a::attr(href)')
        loader.add_css('tpd_duracao', '#section2 > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > p')

        loader.add_css('tpd_joias_titulo', '#section2 > div > ul > li:nth-child(2) > p')
        loader.add_css('tpd_joias_duracao', '#section2 > div > ul > li:nth-child(2) > p')
        loader.add_css('tpd_joias_descricao', '#section2 > div.pGroup > ul > li:nth-child(2) > ul')

        loader.add_css('tpd_leitura_titulo', '#section2 > div.pGroup > ul > li:nth-child(3)')
        loader.add_css('tpd_leitura_duracao', '#section2 > div.pGroup > ul > li:nth-child(3)')
        loader.add_css('tpd_leitura_texto_base', '#section2 > div.pGroup > ul > li:nth-child(3) > p > a')
        loader.add_css('tpd_leitura_href', '#section2 > div.pGroup > ul > li:nth-child(3) > p > a::attr(href)')
        loader.add_css('tpd_leitura_licao_melhore_titulo', '#section2 > div.pGroup > ul > li:nth-child(3) > p >')
        loader.add_css('tpd_leitura_licao_melhore_href', '#section2 > div.pGroup > ul > li:nth-child(3) > p >')

        yield {
            "designacoes": loader.load_item()
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