Receiving data from a Table on a php page


Viewed 25 times


Greetings!! I’m trying to do something I don’t know if it’s possible. I have a table in an html page, which I took and turned into an array of objects that apart from Ajax send the same array to another php page that later I will visualize it in table form.

    //Envia para o php
    function mandar_tabela() {

    var indices = [];

    //Pega os indices
    $('#tabela-preços thead tr th').each(function() {

    var arrayItens = [];

    //Pecorre todos os produtos
    $('#tabela-preços tbody tr').each(function(index) {

        var obj = {};

        //Controle o objeto
        $(this).find('td').each(function(index) {
            obj[indices[index]] = $(this).text();

        //Adiciona no arrray de objetos


    //Mostra dados pegos no console

    //Envia para o php
        type: "POST",
        url: "imprimirfatura1.php",
        data: arrayItens,
        success: function() {
            alert('Deu tudo certo');

However, when it comes to receiving in php page I can’t even see the array of sent objects. When I open the page printtable.php I find absolutely nothing. I tried to use the POST method but could not, six the code piece of the page printtable.php next:

 $array[] = $_POST['arrayItem'];
$pagina="<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>

How do I receive this object array with ajax, and view on the page printtable.php

  • if you make a $.ajax will not leave the current page, should make a Submit to the other tab, and put the array for example in a field input type Hidden so you can request on the other page

  • Ricardo Pontual, I didn’t notice. I just updated the question, putting all the javascript function

  • a request ajax returns to the same page, so I figured want to send the data to another page and from the other page create the table is this?

  • That’s right Ricardo, I want to send the data to another page.

  • because then the way to do this is to put everything in a form tag, for example <form action='imprimirtabela.php'>...aqui vão todos os campos, </form> and put the result of the array in a field within the tag form. If you have questions let us know

  • So with that, I would have to put my table inside a form, then convert it into an array, right?

  • I put in an answer to make it clearer

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2 answers


To explain further, I will put an example:


<form id="formImprimir" action='imprimirtabela.php'>

   ... aqui tudo que precisa ser enviado

   ... e esse input que vai conter o array de objetos
   <input type="hidden" id="array-itens" name="array-itens" />


... aqui monta o objeto arrayItens
// Serializa o objeto
var arrayItensSerializado = JSON.stringify(arrayItens);
// Seta o campo input com o valor
document.getElementById("array-itens").value = arrayItensSerializado;
// Faz submit do form
// Não precisa do ajax.

PHP (print table.php):

// Pega o valor de "array-itens"
$json = $_POST['array-itens'];
// Converte para objeto
$itens = json_decode($json);


I didn’t quite understand the question but, in case you want to insert some data into an AJAX table using jQuery, it would be more or less like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

function EnviaDataTable() {
    url: "imprimirfatura1.php",
    cache: false,
    type: "POST",
    data: arrayItens,
    success: function(dados) {
      var tabela = $("#table").DataTable();

      $.each(dados, function(index, value) {


    error: function(error) {
<script src=""></script>

<table id="table" name="table" width="100%">

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