I want to do Play/Pause with images as if it were with Hover


Viewed 43 times


I have the code with the buttons/ functional image one on top of the other, but I want that when click on the play the image "play" disappear and appear the "pause" and vice versa.

<div class="container">   
            <div class="radio">
                    <audio id="stream" >
                            <source src="songs/y2mate.com - EPIC DUBSTEP DROP FOR REAL MEN.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
                    <img id="play" src="img/play.png" width="80px" onclick="playStream()">
                    <img id="pause" src="img/pause.png" width="80px" onclick="pauseStream()">
    <script src="script/script.js"></script>"
    var stream = document.getElementById('stream');
    var play = document.getElementById('play');
    var pause = document.getElementById('pause');
    function playStream(){
    function pauseStream(){
  • ola Bedatty in Edit or click here and add that code to the question, don’t use the comments for that

  • Sorry, I’m new to the forum and I wasn’t able to put the <html> code together with the JS code, it only appeared the javascript, so I had to opt for the kkkkk gambiarra, I won’t do it again!

  • ah quiet, when you need to do this, has a button with code tag like this <>, clicking there gets by code that works, as in my answer

  • Right! Thanks for the tips and the excellent reception!!

1 answer


In a very simple way you can do so by hiding/displaying by clicking:

function playStream(){
    document.getElementById('play').style.display == "none";
    document.getElementById('pause').style.display == "block";

function pauseStream(){
    document.getElementById('play').style.display == "block";
    document.getElementById('pause').style.display == "none";

Another way is to work with classes, which gets better and can also start with hidden pause:

function playStream(){

function pauseStream(){
img {
   width: 80px

.hidden {
    display: none;
<div class="container">   
  <div class="radio">
    <audio id="stream" >
          <source src="songs/y2mate.com - EPIC DUBSTEP DROP FOR REAL MEN.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
        <img id="play" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/SQvZz.png" onclick="playStream()">
        <img id="pause" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/KgVXL.png" class="hidden" onclick="pauseStream()">

  • Thank you very much!!! It worked here, I had tried to search and research on but it was hard to find in JS how it did this!

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