How to indent code in Android Studio?


Viewed 13,289 times


How do I indent my XML and JAVA code in Android Studio?
I would also like to know how to increase the source of the code.

  • You tried to go in this menu sequence? Settings>Editor>Colors&Fonts>Font Chose the desired font/size and had the new configuration saved?

  • yes, but it’s blocked!

2 answers


To ident the code has the shortcut: CTRL + ALT + L, (or if you prefer select the code you want to identar before).

To increase the source:

File Settings Editor Colors&fonts Font. Go to Save As... put a name and ok, there will unlock the options, including the Size where you can increase the source. (only unlocks if you save a new font before).

  • People, in Ubuntu Crtl + Alt + L is the command to block the user section. For those who go through this, you have a choice here:

  • this, windows does not have this shortcut.


Windows: Ctrl + Alt + L

Linux: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L

macOS: Option + Command + L

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