Asp.Net api with xml Iscancellationrequested


Viewed 19 times


I have an api that accepts the post request with json and xml for Pedidocompra, for cases where I receive the xml is occurring an anomalous request cancellation, that is, some enter the api and others fall as cancelled request.

public static void ConfigureWebApi(HttpConfiguration config)
    // Remove o XML
    var formatters = config.Formatters;
    var xml = formatters.XmlFormatter;
    xml.UseXmlSerializer = true;
    xml.Indent = true;
    xml.SetSerializer<Application.API.ViewModels.v1.Processo.ProcessoViewModel>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(Application.API.ViewModels.v1.Processo.ProcessoViewModel)));
    xml.SetSerializer<Application.API.ViewModels.v2.Processo.ProcessoViewModel>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(Application.API.ViewModels.v2.Processo.ProcessoViewModel)));

    xml.SetSerializer<Application.API.ViewModels.v1.Invoice.InvoiceViewModel>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(Application.API.ViewModels.v1.Invoice.InvoiceViewModel)));
    xml.SetSerializer<Application.API.ViewModels.v2.Invoice.InvoiceViewModel>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(Application.API.ViewModels.v2.Invoice.InvoiceViewModel)));

    xml.SetSerializer<Application.API.ViewModels.v2.PedidoCompra.PedidoCompraViewModel>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(Application.API.ViewModels.v2.PedidoCompra.PedidoCompraViewModel)));

    xml.SetSerializer<ListaDespesasViewModel>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(ListaDespesasViewModel)));
    xml.SetSerializer<ListaNumerarioViewModel>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(ListaNumerarioViewModel)));
    xml.SetSerializer<TesteViewModel>(new XmlSerializer(typeof(TesteViewModel)));

    // Modifica a identação
    var jsonSettings = formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings;
    jsonSettings.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
    jsonSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();

    // Modifica a serialização
    formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects;

    // Web API routes

        name: "DefaultApi",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
        defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

in the log the only message I get in the error is 2021-02-11 14:27:52.2552

Info Portal.API.Handlers.ErrorHandlingFilter.Onexception - Errorhandlingfilter Message: The Operation was canceled. 2021-02-11 14:27:52.2552 Info Portal.API.Handlers.ErrorHandlingFilter.Onexception - Errorhandlingfilter Innerexception: 2021-02-11 14:27:52.2552 Info Portal.API.Handlers.ErrorHandlingFilter.Onexception - Errorhandlingfilter Innerexception: 2021-02-11 14:27:52.2552 Error Portal.API.Handlers.ErrorHandlingFilter.Onexception - Errorhandlingfilter Exceptionlogger -> 2021-02-11 14:27:52.2552 Error Portal.API.Handlers.ErrorHandlingFilter.Onexception

  • Message : Errorhandlingfilter Exceptionlogger ->
  • Errorsource :
  • Errorclass :
  • Errormethod :
  • Errormessage :
  • Errorlinenumber :
  • Innererrormessage :
  • Stackerrormessage :

A detail sending the request via Swagger this problem does not occur, but if the client sends from the ERP this occurs, the request is not being canceled after sending and yes during the processing of the request, but does not show error or log of the reason.

Has anyone ever had this problem or has any idea what might cause this problem?

  • Do you have a way to verify the Xmls that ERP is sending? Both in case of success and failure? You used this evidence to debug your code?

  • yes, if I take the xml I receive and apply via Swagger gives success, I have tried debugging but the problem does not occur.

  • I also checked the alternatives I found on this link:, now I’m going to test the last of the list

1 answer


By checking the IIS log we will have the following information: sc-status sc-substatus sc-Win32-status time-Taken 500 64 124887

sc-Win32-status 64 means "The specified network name is no longer available". After the IIS sent the final response to the client, it usually awaits an ACK message from the client. In this case the client reset the connection after sending to release the socket when waiting for the reply.

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