Save timer time when restarting page


Viewed 38 times


I’m making a countdown timer in Javascript that after 3 days it restarts the countdown, but I wonder how I can make the countdown not restart when reloading the page.

let time = new Date();
let finalDate = new Date();

setInterval(function() {
    time = new Date();
    finalDate = new Date();
}, 259200000)

let now, timeLeft, timeString;

let timer = setInterval(function() {
    now =;
    dateDiff = finalDate - now;
    timeLeft = new Date(dateDiff);
    timeString = timeLeft.toLocaleTimeString (
            hour12: false, 
            minute: '2-digit', 
            second: '2-digit', 
            hour: '2-digit', 
            day: '2-digit', 
            timeZone: 'GMT'

    $('.timer .count-timer .days').text(timeString.split(':')[0].split(" ")[0]);
    $('.timer .count-timer .hours').text(timeString.split(':')[0].split(" ")[1]);
    $('.timer .count-timer .minutes').text(timeString.split(':')[1]);
    $('.timer .count-timer .seconds').text(timeString.split(':')[2]);
}, 1000)
  • please enter more details. What is the variable you want to save?

  • Tried to save the finalDate in a localStorage, for example, and consult it every time the page is reloaded? I was confused in the use of setInterval

  • Very cool your question! : -D I’ll follow here to see what the guys will answer ;-) It’s been over 100 years that I don’t touch the web and I’m a little rusty. If you create a cookie to store the date and read when the user reloads the page does not work?

  • 1

    I’d like to save the finale

  • This localStorage solution I even thought about doing, but when a new user access the page the timer will restart again not ? pq localStorage will not exist

  • @Luizfelipedasilva there you will need a backend, can use google firebase if you do not want to do one of 0

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1 answer


To save and read the date locally you can use the localStorage:
localStorage.setItem('data', finalDate.toString())
finalDate = new Date(localStorage.getItem('data'))
Case localStorage.getItem('data') for null, you start finalDate normally.

But from what I understand, you want to save for all users. Then you will need a back-end to save and read the date from the server. You don’t need to create a back-end just for this, you can use existing free solutions like the Google Firebase.

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