How to test a "await import" with Jest in Typescript


Viewed 23 times


I have an api that in the file that imports the routes to then link them to the express app I use fast-glob to search for files with the extension *.route.ts and then import these methods, like this:

app.ts (file where the express server is)

import express from 'express'
import setupRoutes from './routes'

const app = express()


export default app

routes.ts (archive where I import route dynamics)

import { Express, Router } from 'express'
import fg from 'fast-glob'

export default (app: Express): void => {
  const router = Router()
  app.use('/api', router)
    .map(async file => (await import(`../../../${file}`)).default(router))

routes/sample.route.ts (an example file of any route)

import { Router, Request, Response } from 'express'

export default (router: Router): void => {'/sample', (_req: Request, res: Response) => {

My problem is that when checking my code coverage I can’t check the file line 9 routes.ts which is where I do a map and then import the files, calling the default function and passing the router (as you can see in the above examples).

I need to know how to check this line since I have to validate import’s. The intention is to improve Code coverage. I know I can force jest to ignore this file but it’s not good practice... Today the test file for the routes is like this:

__tests__/route.test.ts (test archive for the route archive)

import express from 'express'
import fs from 'fast-glob'
import setupRoutes from '../routes'

describe('routes', () => {
  it('should call fast-glob.sync to search all route files', () => {
    const syncSpy = jest.spyOn(fs, 'sync')
    const app = express()
  • 1

    Dude, to be honest with you, there’s no point in testing the await import. You simply need to trust that they work, since they are part of the language. : -) Use the magic comment /* istanbul ignore next */ to prevent that line from appearing on report of Overage and be happy.

  • The intention is not exactly to test this, but rather if the dynamic Imports are correct, to have 100% coverage

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