I’m making a website in Shiny
and would like to put an image of the company logo on dashboardHeader()
The logo would be under "My Website", between the dashboardSidebar()
and the dropdownMenu()
How to do?
ui <- dashboardPage(
skin = "green",
dashboardHeader(title = "Meu Site",
dropdownMenu(headerText="Contato", type = "messages", badgeStatus = "success",
messageItem("E-mail", "google@gmail.br", icon = icon("envelope")),
messageItem("Site Principal", uiOutput("site"), icon = icon("sitemap")),
messageItem("Server", uiOutput("server"), icon = icon("server")),
messageItem("Instagram", uiOutput("insta"), icon = icon("instagram-square")),
messageItem("Facebook", uiOutput("face"), icon = icon("facebook-square")),
messageItem("Youtube", uiOutput("youtube"), icon = icon("youtube-square"))
dropdownMenu(headerText="Aviso", type = "notifications", badgeStatus = "warning",
notificationItem(icon = icon("users"), status = "info", "Sobre Nós"),
notificationItem(icon = icon("cog"), status = "info", "Metodologia")
dropdownMenu(headerText="Tarefas", type = "tasks", badgeStatus = "danger",
taskItem(value = 20, color = "red", "Construção do App"