equivalent of Qwebenginesettings::setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy() to QT 5.9


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I’m using the tensorboard to open the projector and continue with the evaluation of my code, when I open in a common browser it works perfectly, but using the qwebengine the reality is different, it seems that the iframe is locked and the page does not open, only in the projector tab.

After some investigation I saw that it may be due to version of QT 5.9 do not have the function QWebEngineSettings::setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy(). I tested in the QT 5.12 and works perfectly. Is there any equivalent to this function that can be used in QT 5.9 ?

I use QT version 5.9.1 and cannot change the version used due to compatibility with other applications.

  • Try the QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor. Supported from Qt 5.6. After creating the class based on this apply to profile: MeuUrlRequestInterceptor *obj = new MeuUrlRequestInterceptor(); QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->setRequestInterceptor(obj); (gave the name of Meuurlrequestinterceptor for example only)

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