Application . NET online + Offline


Viewed 30 times


Is the following, there is today some form or tool that allows to record the data in an offline database in case the client’s internet falls? I will explain better, my application is Web, made in . Net, runs entirely from the Browser and at first, will record everything in the online bank, but what if the client’s connection falls? I would need this data to be recorded on the client’s machine locally, so when the connection returned, all this locally stored information would be released into the online database. What do you think?

Thank you.

  • will turn practically a desktop application then... the problem is, the browser does not have access to a local "database" for security reasons. Browser-available repositories are limited, you can use cookies for very small data, and localStorage, but you won’t get it from an entire client-side database

  • The name of this tool is database.

1 answer


Through Javascript you can access the Indexeddb, which is a browser API that allows access to a local database, owned by browser. There’s the localStorage also, if you want to store simpler data.

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