Traverse a BD with Strings and compare with a Char variable


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So person is as follows, I’m creating a program to perform the reading of vehicular plates, through OCR and PDI I can already extract a Char from the image ex: 'ABC 1234', and now I need to go through an Excel table of Database with several cards, and I need to compare this Char with all the values of the column BD Board.

Here I remove the Char from the Image

 ocrResults = ocr(ImLabel);
 placa = ocrResults.Text;
 text(600, 150, placa, 'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1]);

Here I pull the column BD board

t = readtable('BDPlacas.xlsx');
Var = char(t.Placa(:))

Now I need to see if the card value is compatible with some BD value, and if compatible some value I will display the whole line

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