Create options within a Java class


Viewed 33 times


In a game where I have to create a teacher class, and in the creation of each teacher with the specification of the subject, because each one will have a different action.

Example: Math teacher (fold the dots). Portuguese teacher (increases strength). Geography teacher (Zera the points).

How should I create each type of teacher within the class? I don’t need the code, just an idea of how to differentiate the types of each teacher. Thank you

  • 1

    "I don’t need the code, just an idea of how to differentiate the types of each teacher" I understand you’re a model, but isn’t there anything you’ve done to put the question? could create a base class "Teacher", with association to for "Materia" and make the other specific classes inherit from Teacher, as "Professormatematica"

1 answer


You could create a "type" in the teacher class where it would be an Enum and there put a logic where it would receive a characteristic interface with its specialties. I’ll post an example of code that’s easier to understand.

public class Professor {

TipoProfessor tipo;

    public TipoProfessor getTipo() {
       return tipo;



public enum TipoProfessor {

MATEMATICA(new DobrarPontos()), HISTORIA(new ZerarPontos()), GEOGRAFIA(new AumentarPoder());

private Caracteristica caracteristica;

private TipoProfessor(Caracteristica caracteristica) {
    this.caracteristica = caracteristica;

public Caracteristica getCaracteristica() {
    return caracteristica;


Characteristic interface

public interface Caracteristica {

void getCaracteristica();



public class AumentarPoder implements Caracteristica {

public void getCaracteristica() {
    System.out.println("Aumentar força");


public class DobrarPontos implements Caracteristica {

public void getCaracteristica() {
    System.out.println("Dobrar pontos");


public class ZerarPontos implements Caracteristica {

public void getCaracteristica() {
    System.out.println("Zerar pontos");


Basically the idea is this, you just have to think of a domain name that makes more sense to you.

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