DOSBOX does not recognize some batch script commands, how to resolve?


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I was making a simple script in batchand testing with Windows 10 CMD, and it ran normally. However, when trying to run the same script with DOSBOX, the system gave error in the use of GOTO, yielding the following errors:

  • Illegal command: Title:.
  • Illegal command: cls&goto

The passage that is applied resembles this:

Title: Programa
echo Meu programa
echo .

set /p op=Digite aqui a operação desejada: 

if %opcao%==1 (cls&goto menu)

All the other simple scripts I made also ran in DOSBOX without any problem, I can solve these problems to run the scripts also on DOS emulators or on devices with the original DOS?

  • 1

    Title: Programa did not work in Win10, it was : in the title instead of program, I believe it should be only Title Programa and try to separate the cls&goto for (cls & goto) ... I’m rusty, about the syntax (I have Dosbox at home, then I’ll be)

  • CLS&GOTO has stopped giving trouble, but the title is not yet recognized as a valid command

  • 2

    I believe that the title command does not exist in DOS, you need to take into account that the COMMAND.COM and the cmd.exe do not interpret bat files in exactly the same way, and the title command is something that only makes sense in Windows, in DOS there is no window for you to set the title

  • 2

    If it does not exist you can then delete or simply do not set the title.

1 answer


1. The Title is not an internal or external command of the MS-DOS, nor the Dosbox

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2. Dosbox proposes to emulate in "software", the disk operating system environment and the necessary physical equipment, this to support the execution of old games, made for 286/386 processors and others of this generation, which are compatible with the MS-DOS operating system.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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Dosbox is a DOS emulator that uses the SDL library, which makes Dosbox very
easy to port to different platforms. Dosbox has been ported to many
different platforms like Windows, Beos, Linux, Macos X...

Dosbox also emulates CPU: 286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory
Filesystem/XMS/EMS, Andy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a sound card Soundblaster / Gravis Ultra for excellent sound compatibility with older games...

You can "relive" the good old days with the help of Dosbox, he can
run many of the old classics that don’t run on your new computer!

3. Note that the Dosbox project does not propose to offer the "Disk Operating System" (MS-DOS), or give you access to the executions of all commands internal/external* of this operating system, what it aims at is only emulate from the system to the necessary hardware (see list below), for the support of running old games.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

4. To get all Dosbox commands, use:

help /all

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

5. To learn what you can customize in Dosbox and also know all the settings options, see Dosboxmanual, where will realize that assign

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