Long live,
I have a Collection with records like this:
TYPE TABLE_RECORD IS RECORD (n_lin number, n_col number, val varchar(4000)); TYPE TABLE_CHUNK IS TABLE OF TABLE_RECORD;
Let’s say I have these records inside:
-- 1 0 DATE -- 1 1 UGW -- 1 2 500
-- 2 0 DATE -- 2 1 Test -- 2 2 100
The first is the row number, the second the column number and the third the value.
I want to traverse the entire Collection loop and mount the body of a table in html:
v_col_index2 := 2;
htp.p( ' <tr>');
FOR j IN 1..l_columns_data.COUNT LOOP
if l_columns_data(j).n_col = 0 then
htp.p(' <td> '||l_columns_data(j).val||'</td>');
end if;
for l in 1..v_col_index2 loop
if l_columns_data(j).n_col = l then
htp.p(' <td> '||l_columns_data(j).val||'</td>');
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
The goal is that every 3 Collection records that have the number 1 creates a record in table "tr" and then according to the column creates a "td" with the associated value.
Do you think it’s possible?
Thank you very much.