I have a button for each row of a grid, which when clicked, calls an subscribe that fills the data of that code clicked inside a modal.
This button until it works, but not on the first click, but on the second.
But when moving that subscribe into the ngOnInit
, the button works at the first click, but when I enter my system the page takes a long time to load.
I imagine it’s a waiting time to load the data, but I don’t know how to fix it.
My button calls the function clickDetail()
<a type="button" #modal data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal" (click)="clickDetail()"></a>
My TS file
clickDetail () {
this.diarioCarteiraService.getCarteiras(this.codigoCarteira).subscribe(res => {
this.listaCarteira = res.data;
My Service
getCarteiras(codigoCarteira: number): Observable<ResponseDiarioCarteira> {
return this.http.get<ResponseDiarioCarteira>(`${this.urlApi}/${'diario- carteira?codigo='}${codigoCarteira}`, super.ObterAuthHeader());
It would be pertinent to inform more details the question as the modal, as well as some error in the console!
– LeAndrade