How to host a website on my own pc?


Viewed 47 times


How to host on my pc, with my domain, a site I created in html, css e javascript?

1 answer


Considering that the site is static (HTML + JS) there are a dozen excellent free options for this, making it even more inadvisable to follow this idea. If the goal is merely educational, then you can continue to read the answer.

Managing a server, however simple it may be, is not an easy task, therefore I do not advise doing it.

Exposing a machine on the public network is extremely risky, so I don’t advise doing it.

A machine capable of staying on 24x7 should not be a normal machine, being expensive and with associated costs, such as light costs, so I do not advise doing it. There are alternatives, such as using a pi Raspberry for this. Depending on the number of requests it can handle without problems.

It is necessary to have a fixed IP, which is not commonly offered by residential internet operators, therefore I do not advise to do it. There are alternatives like using a "Dynamic dns", so that in place of the IP a name is used, but the best options are paid.

If you still think about putting an available 24x7 server on a public network, all you need to do is change your domain’s DNS table. Most domain providers already offer this type of service (they have their own nameservers).

To define which "machine" should answer for a domain just change the "DNS" by creating an entry of type A with your domain pointing to your public IP. Or an entry like AAAA if IP is V6. Or an entry like CNAME if you prefer to use another name (using "Dynamic dns).

Now, if you have that question, I advise you not to go through with it.

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