C# method with Procedure name and other parameters


Viewed 38 times


I will be as soon as possible in my question which is the following: I am working on a scheme where my C# program will list the names of the procedures and their respective parameters that were executed during the process and will be saved using the log4net in a table. Well, I created a method in the class RequisicaoDTO that will keep the name of the trial, but I am trying to pass inside this method the for with the values of the parameters, because this procedure I will put in other places too, follows below everything I did:


public class RequisicaoDTO
    public List<string> procedures = new List<string>();

    public string ProcedureAuxiliar { get; set; }
    public List<string> ProceduresAdd(string comando)

        return procedures;

First method the program executes the information:

public long GerarNumeracaoPI(int tipo, DTO.RequisicaoDTO requisicao)
            var numeroPI = new long();

            //System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

            //string server = builder.DataSource;
            //string database = builder.InitialCatalog;

            using (var scope = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope())
                using (var comando = db.GetStoredProcCommand("dbo.PR_P_GERA_PROXIMO_NUMERO_PI"))
                    db.AddInParameter(comando, "@TIP_PI", System.Data.DbType.String, tipo);
                    db.AddOutParameter(comando, "@PROXIMO_NUMERO", System.Data.DbType.Decimal, 10);
                    db.AddOutParameter(comando, "@CD_ERRO", System.Data.DbType.Decimal, 10);
                    db.AddOutParameter(comando, "@DS_ERRO", System.Data.DbType.String, 2060);

                    var auxNomeBase = comando.Connection.Database;

                    requisicao.ProcedureAuxiliar = $"Procedure: {comando.CommandText}" +
                                                  $"\nParâmetros: ";

                    for (int i = 0; i < comando.Parameters.Count; i++)
                        requisicao.ProcedureAuxiliar += $"\nNome:{comando.Parameters[i].ParameterName}, Tipo: {comando.Parameters[i].DbType}, Valor: {comando.Parameters[i].Value.ToString()}, Direção: {comando.Parameters[i].Direction}";


                    if (Convert.ToInt16(db.GetParameterValue(comando, "@CD_ERRO")) != 0)
                        throw new Exception($"Não fois possível obter número de apólice/endosso: {db.GetParameterValue(comando, "@DS_ERRO").ToString()} ");

                    numeroPI = Convert.ToInt64(db.GetParameterValue(comando, "@PROXIMO_NUMERO"));



            return numeroPI;

This is the for which reads the 4 parameters of proc and forms the result by concatenating the names:

for (int i = 0; i < comando.Parameters.Count; i++)
    requisicao.ProcedureAuxiliar += $"\nNome:{comando.Parameters[i].ParameterName}, Tipo: {comando.Parameters[i].DbType}, Valor: {comando.Parameters[i].Value.ToString()}, Direção: {comando.Parameters[i].Direction}";

In this my method I pass to requisicao.ProceduresAdd(comando.CommandText); only the name of the previous in the class method, would there be a way to access the previous files with C# in my class within the method or to pass everything at once? So I would only call my method in all the places they call procs, in public List<string> ProceduresAdd(string comando) I already traded string command by Object command, when debugging shows the objects but did not scroll access the information of the Parameters.

Result would look like this in my method:

Nome:@TIP_PI, Tipo: String, Valor: 2, Direção: Input
Nome:@PROXIMO_NUMERO, Tipo: Decimal, Valor: 2120000110, Direção: Output
Nome:@CD_ERRO, Tipo: Decimal, Valor: 0, Direção: Output
Nome:@DS_ERRO, Tipo: String, Valor: , Direção: Output

Thanks guys, I hope I’ve been clear, a hug and I appreciate any help.

2 answers


If I understand the problem correctly, you need access to the name and parameters of a Stored Procedure in different places. I believe that the simplest solution would be to pass the variable comando for the method (receiving a Idbcommand in it):

public List<string> ProceduresAdd(IDbCommand comando) 
    // comando.CommandText...
    for (int i = 0; i < comando.Parameters.Count; i++)
        /* ... */

This being the case, from the implementation you receive in your method, you will have access both to the command name with comando.CommandText as to their parameters with comando.Parameters.


Thanks Ruan for the support, you were right, just call even by parameter the Dbcommand, was a great learning, follows below as was my method:

public void ProceduresAdd(DbCommand comando, SqlDatabase database)
            var auxAgrupamento = new StringBuilder();

            SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(database.ConnectionString);

            auxAgrupamento.AppendLine($" Procedure: {comando.CommandText} - ")
                          .AppendLine($" Nome da Base: {builder.InitialCatalog} - ")
                          .AppendLine($" Parâmetros: ");

            for (int i = 0; i < comando.Parameters.Count; i++)
                              .AppendLine($", Tipo: {comando.Parameters[i].DbType}")
                              .AppendLine($", Valor: {comando.Parameters[i].Value.ConvertToString()}")
                              .AppendLine($", Direção: {comando.Parameters[i].Direction}");


Ball show, hugs and hope this helps anyone who needs it one day.

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