Problem with scope of variables in child class


Viewed 31 times


I created an interface with Tkinter to use as Environment for my studies with reinforcement learning. My goal is to run the class that creates Nvironment and with an external loop, send actions to train my learning model.

Problem I’m not handling well: The model training routine was within the same environmental class, so I had no problem at all, after I decided that the training routine will stay out of the class that started the problems. I tried to solve with Thread, but it generated a scope problem.

Code of the class creating the environment:

import os
import sys
import threading
import tkinter as tk
import numpy as np
import time
import copy
import cv2

from PIL import Image

class Maze(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, config, mode):
        self.root   =  None
        self.frame  =  None
        self.config =  config
        self.mode   =  mode
        self.shape  =  self.config["environment"].shape

        self.init    = [0, 0, 0]
        self.current = [0, 0, 0]
        self.ids     = []
        self.lines   = 0
        self.columns = 0

        self.canvas = None
        self.colorAnimate  = 'mediumOrchid1'
        self.paletteInit   = ('white', 'white', 'white', 'white')
        self.paletteLocked = ('gray10', 'gray10', 'gray10', 'gray10',)
        self.paletteUnlocked = ('white', 'white', 'white', 'white')
        self.paletteCurrent  = ('gray80', 'gray80', 'gray80', 'gray80')
        self.palettePositiveReward = ('lime green', 'lime green', 'lime green', 'lime green')
        self.paletteNegativeReward = ('firebrick1', 'firebrick1', 'firebrick1', 'firebrick1')


    def run(self):
        self.root  = tk.Tk()
        self.frame = tk.Frame(self.root)

        # Draw canvas

        # Start the Tk GUI.

    def draw_canvas(self):
        canvas_height = self.config["height"]
        canvas_width  = self.config["width"]
        self.canvas   = tk.Canvas(self.frame, width=canvas_width, height=canvas_height, background='gray75')

        y = 0
        for i in self.config["environment"]:
            x = 0
            self.columns = 0
            for j in i:
                if j[0] == ' ':
                    self.draw(x=x, y=y, color=self.paletteUnlocked)
                elif j[0] == '+':
                    self.draw(x=x, y=y, color=self.palettePositiveReward)
                elif j[0] == '-':
                    self.draw(x=x, y=y, color=self.paletteNegativeReward)
                elif j[0] == 'I':
                    self.draw(x=x, y=y, color=self.paletteInit)
                    self.init[0] = self.lines
                    self.init[1] = self.columns
                    self.current = copy.deepcopy(self.init)
                    self.draw(x=x, y=y, color=self.paletteLocked)
                x += self.config["widthSquares"]*2
                self.columns += 1
            y += self.config["widthSquares"]*2
            self.lines += 1

        self.ids    =  self.ids.astype(int)
        self.ids    =  self.ids.reshape(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], 4)

    def draw(self, x, y, color):

        c1, c2, c3, c4 = color

        x1 = x / 2
        y1 = y / 2
        x2 = (self.config["widthSquares"] + x) / 2
        y2 = (self.config["widthSquares"] + y) / 2
        x3 = self.config["widthSquares"] + x / 2
        y3 = y / 2
        points = [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
        id0 = self.canvas.create_polygon(points, fill=c1)

        x1 = self.config["widthSquares"] + x / 2
        y1 = self.config["widthSquares"] + y / 2
        x2 = (self.config["widthSquares"] + x) / 2
        y2 = (self.config["widthSquares"] + y) / 2
        x3 = self.config["widthSquares"] + x / 2
        y3 = y / 2
        points = [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
        id1 = self.canvas.create_polygon(points, fill=c2)

        x1 = self.config["widthSquares"] + x / 2
        y1 = self.config["widthSquares"] + y / 2
        x2 = (self.config["widthSquares"] + x) / 2
        y2 = (self.config["widthSquares"] + y) / 2
        x3 = x / 2
        y3 = self.config["widthSquares"] + y / 2
        points = [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
        id2 = self.canvas.create_polygon(points, fill=c3)

        x1 = x / 2
        y1 = y / 2
        x2 = (self.config["widthSquares"] + x) / 2
        y2 = (self.config["widthSquares"] + y) / 2
        x3 = x / 2
        y3 = self.config["widthSquares"] + y / 2
        points = [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
        id3 = self.canvas.create_polygon(points, fill=c4)

        self.ids = np.append(self.ids, [id0, id1, id2, id3])

Here the code of the training routine:

import numpy as np
from environment.Maze import Maze
from agents.QTable import QTable

def train(config):
    # Episodes to run
    episodes = config["episodes"]

    # Shape of array
    shape = config["environment"].shape

    # Length for Q-Table (All possible states for this environment)
    state_dim = shape[0] * shape[1]

    # Instance Q-Table
    q_table = QTable(state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=4, gamma=0.999, alpha=0.8)

    # Instance Game Maze
    appMaze = Maze(config, mode='train-qtable')

    # Initialize reward with zero
    reward = 0

    # Loop episodes
    for episode in range(1, episodes + 1):

        # Print current episode
        print("\nEpisode: {}/{}".format(episode, episodes))

        # Reset game

        # Done False, is init
        done = False

        # Get current state
        state = appMaze.get_observable()

        # Play
        while not done:
            # Get action by q_table or epsilon pseudo random
            action = q_table.select_action(state)

            # Execute action
            next_state, reward, done = appMaze.step(action)

            # Update Q-Table
            q_table.update_q_table(state, next_state, action, reward)

            # Set current state now
            state = next_state

        if reward > 0:

    # Finish

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Config for environment
    config = {
        "height": 600,  # Height for canvas
        "width": 600,  # Width for canvas
        "widthSquares": 100,  # Width and height for square
        "episodes": 100000, # Run this number of episodes
        "animate": False, # Animate action
        "delayBetweenAction": 0,  # Delay in seconds
        "rewardPositive": 10,
        "rewardNegative": -10,
        "rewardEachStep": -0.01,
        "rewardInvalidStep": -1,
        "image_dim": (64, 64, 2),
        "environment": np.array([
            [[' '], [' '], [' '], [' '], [' '], [' ']],
            [[' '], ['X'], ['X'], [' '], ['X'], ['X']],
            [['I'], ['X'], [' '], [' '], [' '], [' ']],
            [[' '], ['X'], ['X'], ['X'], ['X'], ['+']],
            [[' '], [' '], [' '], [' '], [' '], [' ']],
            [['-'], ['-'], ['-'], ['-'], ['-'], ['-']]

    # Run train

When you run this code, everything runs normal until you get to the line appMaze.reset(). In the Maze class there is the variable self.ids = [], which is responsible for storing the ID s of the rectangles that were drawn in the canvas, only with this ID I can change the color of the rectangles fill and animate the direction chosen by the agent, but when it arrives in this reset line, this variable is empty, as well as its definition in the method __init__, thereby generating the error: IndexError: list index out of range

I know I missed something, but like all beginners, it’s not clear to me.

When running the code, it creates an interface like this: enter image description here

Thanks in advance.

1 answer


I understand that there are two possible solutions in your case to share the same variable (in this case self.ids) in two classes:

  1. Use inheritance between classes with class attribute
  2. Singleton

Inheritance (example)

>>> class Mae:
...     compartilhado = "Definido na classe mãe"  # atributo de classe
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.mae = "Mãe"                      # atrubuto de instância

>>> class Filha(Mae):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.filha = "Filha"    # atributo de instância

>>> f = Filha()

>>> f.filha

>>> f.mae
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Filha' object has no attribute 'mae'

>>> f.compartilhado
'Definido na classe mãe'

Note that the attribute mae would only be of a parent class instance, but the class attribute compartilhado belongs to both

Singleton (for example)

>>> class Singleton:
...     _instance = None
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.sing = "Singleton"
...     @staticmethod
...     def get_instance():
...         if Singleton._instance is None:
...             Singleton._instance = Singleton()
...         return Singleton._instance

Instantiating two variables.

>>> single1 = Singleton.get_instance()
>>> single1.sing

>>> single2 = Singleton.get_instance()
>>> single2.sing

Nothing much...

But realize what will happen if you change the attribute in one of the instances.

>>> single2.sing = "Novo valor"
>>> single2.sing
'Novo valor'

>>> single1.sing
'Novo valor'

See that the value has changed to the other instance as well

Note: In this small implementation, I did not take into account the race condition

For more examples "correct" see here

I hope it helps

  • Hello Paul, thank you for your reply. Unfortunately she didn’t help me, because the Maze class, when I removed Tkinter, it works as expected. Looks like Tkinter’s thread is influencing this behavior I didn’t expect.

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