R Language: Format string according to the first character


Viewed 31 times


I am writing an R script to convert data that is in text files with fixed width fields for CSV files.

It happens that in addition to the transformation I do some "formatting" in the data and has a column with the recipe code that can assume two format types, according to the first character of each string:

If the first character is "9", the format is, otherwise it will be

Data is stored in a data frame dfand the field to be formatted is the codigo_receita.

I tried that, but it’s obviously not working:

  if(startsWith(df$codigo_receita, "9")){
    df$codigo_receita <- sprintf(
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 1, end = 1),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 2, end = 2),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 3, end = 3),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 4, end = 4),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 5, end = 5),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 6, end = 7),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 8, end = 8),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 9, end = 9),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 10, end = 11),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 12, end = 13),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 15, end = 15)
    df$codigo_receita <- sprintf(
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 1, end = 1),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 2, end = 2),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 3, end = 3),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 4, end = 4),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 5, end = 6),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 7, end = 7),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 8, end = 8),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 9, end = 10),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 11, end = 12),
      str_sub(df$codigo_receita, start = 13, end = 14)
  • 1

    Can you give an example of two codes before and after formatting? I think it’s easier to suggest something having them to base on

  • 1

    And changing the if/Else to the ifelse function can be a place to start. if/Else only work for one element, they don’t look at an entire vector. The difference is yes

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