How to compare the elements of a list


Viewed 26 times


So, I need to develop the body of a code that travels through a list already ordered to find out in which positions are the equal elements. How do I do that?

1 answer


I believe the code below can help you. Basically it iterates item by item in the list and identifies whether the item in a given position is equal to the previous one, since you said that your list is already sorted

lista1 = [1,2,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,6,7,8,9,10]

prev_item = lista1[0]-1 # garante que prev_item está fora da lista1

for index in range(0,len(lista1)):
    if lista1[index] == prev_item:
        print(f'valor repetido na posição {index}')
    prev_item = lista1[index]


valor repetido na posição 2
valor repetido na posição 7
valor repetido na posição 8
valor repetido na posição 9
  • has the possibility to use a dictionary, returning after each position for each item searched.

  • I’ll try this one! But I forgot to mention tbm that I do not have access to the list elements, a priori (can modify according to who type). I can follow the same pattern?

  • I don’t even have access to the list itself, the part of the for forward should work, as long as you can import the list into your code.

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