Allow HTML in Wordpress comments


Viewed 26 times


I am developing a kind of budget platform in Wordpress and I am using the system of posts and comments for this, with only a few modifications. One of them is to replace the textarea of the comment form with a table with some inputs, because it will serve better for this system: Tabela onde preenchemos os dados do comment/orçamento

Then when the person sends this comment, I inject into the value of the input that sends this information the HTML of a table with the data from that table. The problem I’m having is that the content of this comment is stored in the database without HTML, saving only the content of each tag. The same does not happen when an Administrator is the one who makes the comment:

How an administrator’s comment appears in frontend: Comentário de um ADM

How a user’s comment with another function appears: Comentário de usuário com outra função

I am very beginner in PHP, so probably this is just a very easy configuration to change, but I have no idea how to proceed.

1 answer


I figured out the problem: users without unfiltered_html permission cannot insert some tags in posts or comments and it only comes enabled for adms, so it didn’t work for other users. To resolve, I found a plugin that allows you to enable several permissions for each function on the site, more details of the plugin and this permission on post

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