To sort an array with tiebreaker criteria if one of the fields is equal


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Since I only compare the number of goals of the first placed if they have the same number of points, there is a way to do this by comparing items in different arrays?

I looked at the exercise response and after the else he put: My doubt is that as he is inside an IF he every round* will add the number of goals with the number of points, I do not see the logic of adding the two to define the first placed, a team can lose from 7x6 and make 6 points and a team win from 1x0 and make 4 points.

timesRj[anfitriao][3] = (timesRj[anfitriao][1] + timesRj[anfitriao][2]);
timesRj[convidado][3]= (timesRj[convidado][1]) + timesRj[convidado][2];           

//ordem por número de pontos
timesRj.sort((a,b) => a[3] - b[3]);

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//Times para o campeonato

let timesRj = [["Flamengo",0,0],["Fluminense",0,0],["Botafogo",0,0],["Vasco",0,0], ["America", 0,0]];

//Campeonato Carioca

//total de times

let totalTimesRj = timesRj.length;

for(let anfitriao = 0; anfitriao < totalTimesRj; anfitriao++){
    for(let convidado = 0; convidado < totalTimesRj; convidado++){

        if(anfitriao !== convidado){

            let limiteGols = Math.round(Math.random()* 8);
            let golsAnfitriao = Math.round(Math.random() * limiteGols);
            let golsConvidado = Math.round(Math.random() * limiteGols);
            timesRj[anfitriao][2] += golsAnfitriao;
            timesRj[convidado][2] += golsConvidado;

            let time1 = `${timesRj[anfitriao][0]}`;
            let time2 = `${timesRj[convidado][0]}`;

            console.log(`Jogo: ${time1} ${golsAnfitriao} X ${time2} ${golsConvidado}`);

            //Atribui pontuação para os times

            if(golsAnfitriao > golsConvidado){
                timesRj[anfitriao][1] += 3;

            else if(golsConvidado > golsAnfitriao){
                timesRj[convidado][1] += 3;

                timesRj[anfitriao][1] +=1;
                timesRj[convidado][1] +=1;

           let campeaoNome =  `${timesRj[totalTimesRj -1][0]}`;
        //ordem por número de pontos
        timesRj.sort((a,b) => a[1] - b[1]);
        alert(timesRj[totalTimesRj - 1] [0]);

        if(timesRj[totalTimesRj - 1][1] == timesRj[totalTimesRj - 2][1] && timesRj[totalTimesRj - 1][2] < timesRj[totalTimesRj - 2][2]){
            campeaoNome =  `${timesRj[totalTimesRj -2][0]}`;
            campeaoNome =  `${timesRj[totalTimesRj -1][0]}`;

        //Exibe a tabela do campeonato


        //Exibe o campeão

        let campeaoPontos = `${timesRj[totalTimesRj - 1] [1]}`;
        let gols = `${timesRj[totalTimesRj - 1] [2]}`;
        console.log(`O campeão foi o ${campeaoNome} com ${campeaoPontos} pontos e ${gols} gols.`);



1 answer


In fact this logic of adding the goals to the points is stuck. It can even work in many cases (since in thesis a team that won more games, usually scored more goals than the others), but we know that this is not always the case.

It is possible, for example, that team A lost a game without scoring goals, and won 4 shutouts (therefore, made 12 points and say about 20 goals), while team B won 5 games of 1 x 0 (thus making 15 points and 5 goals). If you use this logic of scoring goals with points, team A will be considered champion, but if the criteria is who scored the most points, and the goals are only for tiebreakers, then team B should be the champion.

So the right way to do it would be:

  • forget this logic of adding goals with points, so you don’t need these lines:

    timesRj[anfitriao][3] = (timesRj[anfitriao][1] + timesRj[anfitriao][2]);
    timesRj[convidado][3] = (timesRj[convidado][1]) + timesRj[convidado][2];
  • the sorting function has to implement the correct rule:

    function comparaPontosGols(a, b) {
        // primeiro compara pontos
        let cmp = a[1] - b[1];
        if (cmp == 0) { // somente se pontuação é igual, compara gols
            cmp = a[2] - b[2];
        return cmp;
    // ordena segundo o critério acima
    // Exibe o campeão (usar destructuring assignment para obter os dados)
    let [ campeaoNome, campeaoPontos, campeaoGols ] = timesRj[timesRj.length - 1];
    console.log(`O campeão foi o ${campeaoNome} com ${campeaoPontos} pontos e ${campeaoGols} gols.`);

That is, I only compare the goals if the score is equal.

And since the team is represented by an array with 3 elements, I can use the destructuring assingment to get the values directly, one in each variable.

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