Javascript Conditional Access policy in microsoft graps?


Viewed 14 times


I’m using this tutorial I managed to make everything run smoothly but i need to make my work a js script that just create a simple room in microsoft graphs

then I created this function

async function createNewMeeting() {
  const user = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('graphUser'));

  // Build the JSON payload of the event
  let newEvent = {
    "startDateTime": Date.UTC(2021, 02, 2, 10, 01, 0),
    "subject":"User Token Meeting"

  try {
    // POST the JSON to the /me/events endpoint
    console.log(await graphClient

    // Return to the calendar view
  } catch (error) {
    updatePage(Views.error, {
      message: 'Error creating event',
      debug: error

And a button in the UI just to create this Meeting and would be perfect.

My config (you can see I tried a lot)

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.

// <msalConfigSnippet>
const msalConfig = {
  auth: {
    clientId: '6bfbcbcf-9822-4c55-a4be-1815679066a7',
    redirectUri: 'http://localhost:8080',
    //claims: [access_token:}
    //client_secret: '7-0~~~1PwdS_s91M-Wto33m2KW6F-AjekI'
    //AuthProvider: MyAuthenticationProvider
    //authority: ""

const msalRequest = {
  scopes: [

but I can’t make it work, says I need a Conditional Access policy but I can’t find an example anywhere how to implement this, to have the documentation telling me what it’s for I found about 500 places (rsrs) I wanted to test this, the other things were... Obs I bought up 'Microsoft Office 365' so I could try using this.

The mistake that comes when I try to create is this:

{ "statusCode": 400, "code": "AuthenticationError", "requestId": "cf1e0096-93cd-4293-b950-d6efce0bba12", "date": "2021-02-02T16:38:45.000Z", "body": "{\"code\":\"AuthenticationError\",\"message\":\"Error authenticating with resource\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2021-02-02T13:38:45\",\"request-id\":\"cf1e0096-93cd-4293-b950-d6efce0bba12\",\"client-request-id\":\"fd0003b1-dba3-80d7-68b0-f50e36c59b62\"}}" }
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