I’m making a Telegram chatbot via Python, through some lessons I’m doing, and in the middle of the process I came across a problem: I can’t in any way store the customer’s response in a variable.
class TelegramBot:
def __init__(self):
token = ''
self.url_base = f'https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}/'
def Iniciar(self):
update_id = None
while True:
##obtem novas msgs
update = self.getMessages(update_id)
##define dados como a response da api
dados = update["result"]
##se receber dados
if dados:
for dado in dados:
##obtem o id da atual conversa
update_id = dado['update_id']
## obtem o conteudo da msg
mensagem = str(dado["message"]["text"])
## infos basicas
sobrenome = str(dado["message"]["from"]["last_name"])
nome = str(dado["message"]["from"]["first_name"])
## obtem o chat id
chat_id = dado["message"]["from"]["id"]
##verifica se foi a primeira msg
primeiraMsg = int(dado["message"]["message_id"]) == 1
##verifica ql msg é
msgNumber = int(dado["message"]["message_id"])
## a cada mensagem gera uma resposta
# resposta = self.criar_resposta(saldo, mensagem, primeiraMsg, nome, sobrenome)
# self.responder(resposta, chat_id)
if mensagem == '1':
opcao = msgNumber
self.responder(f'''Digite o sinal para aposta única no seguinte formato: (exemplo) EURUSD|15:00|M5|PUT|20{os.linesep}Ou seja: ATIVO|HORA|MINUTAGEM|PUT OU CALL|VALOR''', chat_id)
if mensagem == '2':
opcao = msgNumber
self.responder(f'''Carregue sua lista formatada''', chat_id)
if opcao == msgNumber + 2:
apostaResposta = mensagem
print(f'''{apostaResposta} essa é a aposta''')
def getMessages(self, update_id):
##link da api pra obter novas atualizações
link_requisicao = f'{self.url_base}getUpdates?timeout=100'
##se tiver algo novo
if update_id:
##seta link requisição pra pegar o ultimo update id
link_requisicao = f'{link_requisicao}&offset={update_id + 1}'
resultado = requests.get(link_requisicao)
return json.loads(resultado.content)
# Responder
def responder(self, resposta, chat_id):
link_requisicao = f'{self.url_base}sendMessage?chat_id={chat_id}&text={resposta}'
bot = TelegramBot()
What I’m trying to say is that after the customer selects option 1, I’d like to store the next answer in a variable. A solution to this would be an input, if the answers were via python interpreter, I could just put something like:
if mensagem == "1":
Would you have a solution for that? I can simulate an input or store the next answer in a variable?
Man, thank you so much! You explained clearly and organized the code in a simple way, I was able to understand most even not having much experience in Python. I could understand the logic of how you did, was exceptional! Congratulations!
– Dasx
I know it’s too much to ask, but a new question has arisen. The ways in which the answers to option 1 and 2 will be dealt with are different. Regarding the post treatment of options, I have everything ready, what left me in doubt is how to reference two different answers. I thought I’d try something like:
if mensagem.message_id == self.opcao + 2 and mensagem.text == 1:
treat answer 1if mensagem.message_id == self.opcao + 2 and mensagem.text == 2:
treat answer 1– Dasx
@Dashadelas You can try to store the options numbers and the
in a dictionary. Then, check if the user is choosing an option or sending his reply. If he is choosing an option, fill in the dictionary, e.g.:{opc_1:message_id, opc_2:message_id}
, if not, checks if it is an answer (as before) and also if it matches the expected type (ex formatted list) for the option, then does something and then reset the message_id of the dictionary. It is better to do a function for each case.– ffernandoalves
I understand what you mean, but the ways of treating different are not between an option vs response, but option number 1 vs option number 2.
– Dasx