Nodejs: In a controller method, how to perform two different model functions?


Viewed 79 times


I need to render a page with the data of an Author and the listing of their News.

In this case, I am considering two tables: authors and news and their respective models.

Database: Mysql;

Relationship: 1 author, n news.



email name id


id autor_id text title

Model Autor

Autor.prototype.getAutor = function(id, callback){
    let result = this._connection.query(`select * from autores where id = ?`, id, callback);
    return result;

Model Noticia

Noticia.prototype.getNoticiasByAutor = function(autor_id, callback){
    let result = this._connection.query(`select * from noticias where autor_id = ?`, autor_id, callback);
    return result;

In the controller, I need a showAutorNoticies method that should do something as exemplified below, however, this way does not work.

How to get customer data and list of your news in the same controller method?

Controller Autor

// Desejado algo parecido com isto:
module.exports.showAutorNoticias = function(application, req, res) {
    let id =; // id do autor
    let connection = application.config.dbConnection;
    let Autor = new;
    let Noticia = new;
    // 1 - Obter os dados do Autor (Apenas um exemplo da intenção).
    let autorData = Autor.getAutor(id, function(error, result) {
        return result;           
    // 2 - Obter as noticias do autor (Apenas um exemplo da intenção).
    let noticias = Noticia.getNoticiasByAutor(autorData[0].id, function(error, result) {
        return result;
    // 3 - Armazenar os dados do autor e suas noticias em um objeto;
    let autorNoticias = {
        id: autorData[0].id.toString(),
        name: autorData[0].nome,
        noticias: {
            noticias: noticias
    // 4 - Passar esse objeto para a view.
    res.render('admin/autor-noticias', { autorNoticias: autorNoticias });

1 answer


One way to solve it is by using a INNER JOIN.

Here is an example of what a query would look like to solve this problem:

module.exports.showAutorNoticias = function(application, req, res) {
let id =; // id do autor
let connection = application.config.dbConnection;
const sql = 'SELECT n.* FROM noticias n INNER JOIN autores a ON n.autor_id = WHERE = ?'

connection.query(sql, [id], (err, autorData, fields) => {
    if (err) {
        //renderizar página avisando que houve um erro.
    if (autorData.length === 0) {
        //renderizar página sem artigos.
         res.render('admin/autor-noticias', { autorNoticias: [] });
     // aqui estou apenas supondo mas talvez seja necessário adaptar o código
     // 3 - Armazenar os dados do autor e suas noticias em um objeto;
    let autorNoticias = {
        id: autorData[0].id.toString(),
        name: autorData[0].nome,
        noticias: {
            noticias: noticias
    // 4 - Passar esse objeto para a view.
    res.render('admin/autor-noticias', { autorNoticias: autorNoticias });

In this code I implemented the flow that exists in the official lib documentation mysql.

I used a console.log to show the data returned by the database, since I do not know the internal structure of its tables, but with that information can assemble the estrutura de dados who wishes to return to the user.

In my code I check the size of the array autorData.length, I do this because further down in the code you make direct access to the zero index of the array.

It is worth a warning word regarding the use of its parameter in the Where clause should not be used directly without being sanitized because there is a risk that sql Injection, and that if the user passes a string there will be a 500 error in their query.

It will be necessary to treat when the user passes one id of a autor nonexistent in the database (e.g.: -1 or) that in the case of the Inner Join will return 0 lines or null in sql.

  • Thanks for the tip, but I’m discarding the use of INNER JOIN because I already know this possibility. The question is: In a controller method, how to perform two different model functions? Imagine two other cases: 1 - The Author’s data is in a X database and the News in a Y database. 2 - The Author’s data is in a comic book and the News is obtained via Web Service. In these two cases it is necessary to perform two functions in the showAutorNoticias method to obtain all the data. Note: in PHP this is done quietly.

  • I understand, now your requirement. But yes this is possible. You will have to make this logic of checking in multiple banks using middleware chaining.

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